FOSTER families
More than 16,000 children in Florida are removed from their homes each year due to abandonment, abuse and neglect. They need loving and stable homes. By becoming a foster parent, you can help bring children from lives of crisis to lives of belonging and love. Our expert and compassionate team members are ready to help you take the next steps to being a foster parent.
How can you help?
- Become a Foster Parent. When you open your heart and your home to children who have endured trauma, you make it possible for them to hope and dream again. There are requirements prospective foster parents must meet, and to become licensed, individuals must go through 5-7 training classes, pass a background test and have their home inspected.
- Apply to Live in a Foster Family Home. In addition to the option to care for foster children in your own home, there are opportunities around the state for licensed foster parents to live rent-free. Through innovative Foster Family Homes, sibling groups get to stay together in these multi-room, fully furnished homes and individuals who do not currently have the space or accommodations to care for several foster children have all they need to succeed.
- Start a Foster Crew. You don’t have to be a foster parent to play a role in foster care. Provide meals, respite and child care, household help, prayer and more support to foster families! Each of these roles provides a creative and resourceful way for you and your church to wraparound those families with love. We’ll train you, and we provide you information and online tools to manage your wraparound ministry, and we provide ongoing support to help you connect the skills and gifts of people in your church with the needs of local foster families.